Monday 21 May 2007

小儿推拿简介 Overview of TCM child massage


西汉·《帛书·五十二病方》记载, 用勺匙的周边括擦患儿病变部位以治疾。
·《千金要方》中介绍用膏摩小 儿囱上及手足心以祛除风寒。



Overview of Traditional Chinese child massage therapy

Traditional Chinese child massage therapy has been in existence for more than 2000 years. 
It is effective in the treatment and prevention of childhood illnesses, as well as in the promotion of overall well-being of children.
In TCM, when corresponding acupressure points on the hands, limbs and body of the child are stimulated by massage, the child's internal body systems will respond accordingly, achieving the intended treatment effect. 
As it does not involve medication or injection, it can also be applied on newborn babies.  

Some common applications include childhood asthma, diarrhea,lack of appetite,indigestion as well as increase immunity and well-being of child.